Doctrinal Statement

The following is an abbreviated doctrinal statement for New Life Island. A more detailed statement may be obtained from the camp.

We Believe…

  • The Bible to be the authoritative, inerrant, only inspired Word of God to man, relevant to all our needs, and is to be the divine standard for faith and conduct.
  • The God of the Bible is the only One Sovereign, eternally self-existent God, subsisting as three co-equal Persons (Father, Son, & Spirit), yet one unified God, undivided and indivisible.
  • Jesus is the only eternally, preexistent, Son of God: Virgin conceived and born as the only sinless God-man and Savior of the world; Who died for us, and rose again the third day, and has ascended back to heaven.
  • The Holy Spirit is God, with all of the same personalities and attributes as God the Father and the Son, and is sent by the same to reveal God’s word to us (by inspiration and illumination), to convict us of sin, and to bring us to faith in Christ, baptizing us into Christ’s body, and indwelling (forever on earth) the believer, filling us as we surrender to Him. The gifts called “sign gifts” have ceased and are not for today.
  • The Literal Six Day Creation account as recorded in Genesis, and that God, as Creator, is responsible for all life (plant, animal, human, angelic), and that all life is responsible to God, and that He alone is the giver, taker, and sustainer of all life.
  • In Sin as the violation of God’s will, and the intruder into God’s creation, which is punishable by death (both physical and spiritual). It was first discovered in Lucifer (the Devil), then the fallen angels (the demons), and then in man in the transgression of Adam and Eve, and has since been imputed, by both character and penalty, to the entire human race (inherited sin), leaving all mankind totally depraved in sin.
  • Salvation to be the gracious act of God, whereby He delivers undeserving gospel believing sinners from their inherited sin with its penalty, according to their faith in the substitutionary atonement of Christ alone for their sin. They are then granted a new life in Christ, justified by His blood, declared to be saints, freed from the slavery to sin, and are given an eternal inheritance in heaven.
  • The Church to be the universal Body of Christ (all genuinely saved people) which began with the baptism of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2, and concludes with the pre-tribulational rapture of the church. The Church is to manifest itself on earth, and operate through local churches whose ministry is to carry on the wok of Christ by evangelism, discipleship, believer’s water baptism, worship (including communion) and edification of the saints.
  • In the Judgments of God upon both the saved and the unsaved. The saved believer’s works are judged, upon the bodily resurrection (rapture) of the church to Heaven, and at the Judgment seat of Christ, for the purpose of determining rewards in Heaven. the unsaved will be judged by God for their unforgiven sin, as well as actual sins, and will be delivered to the Lake of Fire (Hell) for all eternity.